Inuyasha season 3 episodes
Inuyasha season 3 episodes

inuyasha season 3 episodes

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought this. She's projecting the humiliation she suffered from Toga choosing Izayoi over to Rin by venting her anger on her, not wanting Rin to be happy, the same way she was glad when Izayoi died. Seeing this, Zero most likely felt humiliated to have lost to some weak mortal woman who she regarded as inferior to herself. However, the second time he chose a wife, he chose Izayoi over her. Who says she won't kill Inuyasha and kagome?Īlso, not at Zero being so superficial, thinking that if Rin becomes a little ugly Sesshomaru will leave her like what the.Her self esteem must be on the floor after Toga chose two women that weren't her First, when he chose Inukimi, Zero must have felt anger, but didn't mind so much since both Inukimi and Toga were of the same demon class.

inuyasha season 3 episodes inuyasha season 3 episodes

Sealing them was for their own good, who knows what dangers they might run into due to zero's crazy jealousness. As for Sesshomaru's reason for sealing inuyasha and kogome, as bad as it seems, I can understand his reasons. Excited to see Rion, also Rin being in the next episode is nice for the fans who wanted to see more of her. This episode was certainly satisfying in regards to getting some of the answers we wanted.

Inuyasha season 3 episodes